Effective ways to teach Empathy: Parents’ Guide

by just a dad

When trying to nurture empathy, it’s not enough to just tell our kids to “put themselves in someone else’s shoes”. For our little ones, this idea is quite abstract.

grayscale photography of kids walking on road

Empathy isn’t something we’re born with. It’s something we learn and practice. With our loving care, our kids sometimes feel like the world revolves around them. It’s perfectly normal for them not to always consider the feelings of others. The best way to teach empathy is to practice it in our daily lives.

Understanding Emotions

When our kids are young, they don’t yet know what empathy is. So, start with helping them recognize and understand emotions. Slowly, they’ll learn to notice their own feelings and those of others. Once they’re aware of various emotions and can spot them in themselves and others, they’ll start to understand how others might feel. For a deeper dive, you can check out the Effective ways to enhance emotional development: Parents’ Guide.

Learning to Observe Emotions in Others

Next, teach our kids to guess how others might be feeling by observing their facial expressions and actions. For instance, if someone is shifty-eyed or stamping their feet, it might mean they’re anxious or nervous.

Abstract Thinking and Role-playing

Again, just telling our kids to think from someone else’s perspective might be too abstract for them. If they find it hard, we can use other methods. Consider:

  • Picture books: Pause before turning a page and ask them to predict what might happen next. Or, let them step into a character’s shoes. For instance, “The little bear’s cookie was taken away. How does he feel? What should he do now?”
  • Imaginary role-playing games: By switching between roles, our kids get a chance to express feelings from various perspectives.

Activities to Internalize Empathy

Practicing empathy through fun activities can be super effective. Plan activities where they need to interact closely with others.


Once our kids develop the ability to empathize with others, encouraging them to take concrete actions like volunteering at charitable organizations can be beneficial. These experiences provide our children with ample positive feedback, giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment. Moreover, it helps them truly grasp the significance of empathy.

Boosting Social Skills

Having normal social interactions gives our kids continuous chances to practice empathy. For more on this, there’s Effective ways to cultivate communication skills: Parents’ Guide.


A lack of empathy in our kids can lead to self-centered behavior and social conflicts. Through daily routines and games, we can gradually help them develop this crucial trait. By nurturing empathy, we’re equipping them with strong social skills and enhancing their relationships. What a gift!

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